Enough Sleep For A Healthy And Youthful Body

More and more people are getting themselves best adjustable beds because it promises a good nights sleep. Why not? We all need to have beauty sleep for a healthy body and a beautiful, youthful look.

“Sleep is important in every respect for the recovery function of our body,” says Richard Rohrer, neurologist at the Center for Sleep Medicine. “Those who sleep too little suffer more from concentration disorders during the day, for example.”

Sleep rejuvenates the skin

Everyone knows the superficial consequences of lack of sleep: pale and dry skin, circles under the eyes – the look in the mirror is often sobering after a night that is too short. “During sleep, a growth hormone is released that ensures that our skin can regenerate,” explains Jürgen Zulley, sleep researcher at the University of Regensburg. “If we sleep too little or the deep sleep phase, which is most important for the release of the hormone, is disturbed, this is immediately noticeable. The skin becomes thinner and wrinkles form.”

And therefore, from a cosmetic point of view, precautions can be taken to ensure optimal regeneration of the skin – and thus a perfect beauty sleep. “At night you use a different skin cream than during the day,” says beautician Gabriele Bergmann from the German Beauty and Wellness Farm Association in Bad Kissingen. “During the day, our skin needs protection from UV rays, dirt and other environmental factors. At night, when the skin recovers, regenerative agents such as ribonucleic acid come into play. ”

Not all creams are the same, they have to be based on the relevant needs. According to the expert, it is important to remove make-up residues from the skin before going to bed: “If you do not remove make-up thoroughly and clean the skin, the pores clog. The sebum flow is not assured. The result: pimples and blemished skin. However, lack of sleep also affects appearance in other ways: It can even cause obesity. In contrast, when you sleep, you don’t feel hungry. A hormone also takes care of that. “This makes it possible to last ten hours without going to the refrigerator,” says Zulley.

Everyone needs a different amount of sleep

Seven to eight hours is the average. But there are also short
sleepers who get by with five or six hours, and late sleepers who need up to ten hours. The experts do not share the assumption that you sleep less in old age: “The amount of sleep you need does not change,” explains Rohrer. “Older people sleep more often during the day, which, for example, working people cannot. That’s why they don’t need so many hours at night. ”Sleep is also no longer so deep in old age.

It’s easy to test whether you get enough sleep: “If I feel fit and productive during the day, I’ve had enough sleep at night,” says Zulley. A midday low is normal, however, and a small nap is allowed.

Sleep restfully in a quiet sleeping environment and in a comfortable bed

If you want to sleep restfully, you need a quiet sleeping environment and a comfortable bed. “The more I am disturbed, the more restless my sleep,” says Rohrer. Ideally, for example, no clock is visible or audible. The room should have a cool, but not too cold temperature and be light-insulated. A snoring partner is also a disruptive factor.

“You should only go to bed when you are exhausted,” says Rohrer. In order to optimally prepare the body for sleep, one should, if possible, no longer ponder problems in the evening, but only practice relaxing activities, such as reading a book or watching TV – so that the body can relax. If you do sports too late, your body is heated up. Falling asleep can then be difficult. Exercise itself, however, promotes restful sleep. Lightly trained people sleep better. Even those who eat early in the evening sleep better. Eating keeps our digestive tract awake. In addition, drinks containing caffeine should be avoided after 5 p.m. if possible.

In Search of Solutions to Address Anabolic Steroid Use Among Teen Girls

More than a decade ago, a national survey of high school students revealed that about 5.3% of teenage girls responded positively to anabolic steroids use. Many wanted to develop muscles for different reasons; to have better shape and form, or to gain strength as protection. They were of the belief that taking steroids will provide their body with the nutrients that focus on growth and muscle development, since they think they’re not getting much from their regular meals.

In a separate study conducted by researchers at Oregon Health & Science University an analysis was made on data collected from CDC’s 2003 national samples of anabolic steroid use among U.S. teen girls. Dr. Linn Goldberg, head of the university’s Division of Health Promotion and Sports Medicine, said steroid use marked a very risky behavior among the 7,544 teen girls who admitted to taking steroid and other unhealthy or illegal substances.

However, the Oregon University researchers found out that teenage girls involved in sports were the least likely users of anabolic steroids.

Fast forward to the present, the story did not get any better since another study conducted by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) still detected anabolic steroid use among teenage girls.

Apparently, there are still cases of health problems caused by steroid use that include but not limited to irregular menstrual periods, along with serious acne breakouts and abnormal growth of facial and body hair. All of which have been diagnosed by doctors as due to the presence of man-made steroids in their body systems.

What the FDA is Doing in Addressing the Problem

As additional approach to tackling the problem of steroid use among teenagers, the FDA has been taking actions against the unauthorized sources of anabolic androgenic steroids that most teenagers find online. Although the FDA admits that after one site has been taken down, another would emerge.

Currently black market sellers can now peddle their illegal products by way of e-commerce technologies. There are now advanced messaging apps that use Virtual Private Network (VPN), as opposed to web-based sites that use the public Internet network. That being the case, authorities are unable to their detect the illegal selling activities.

In addition, the FDA is calling the attention of parents of today’s teenagers to have awareness about the potential symptoms of steroid use and abuse. Signs include mood swings, serious acne outbreaks, increased body hair, and in some cases, the development masculine-like muscles.

Parents’ Role in Discouraging and Preventing Their Teen Girls from Using Anabolic Steroids

Perhaps the FDA should also encourage parents to provide their children with more healthy nutrition from which their teenagers can derive natural steroids. Steroids after all are synthetic versions of the natural chemical compounds occurring in plants, animals and animal by-products. Nowadays, most urban families are seeing both parents fully immersed in their respective job/s, thinking that in their teen years, their teenage daughters are able to fend for themselves.

Unfortunately, many modern-day parents overlook the nutritional needs of children entering the age of puberty, which could affect the development of a teenage girl’s body. As a result, young girls look for solutions online, following different suggestions and recommendations for improving physical appearance. Yet they do so without properly understanding the potential consequences of products being endorsed by influencers and advertising media.

By the way, it is also worth mentioning that not all online sources of anabolic steroid supplements are the same, as many are actually authorized distributors of pharmaceutical companies.

CanadaPeds dot com for one, has the largest inventory, being a leading supplier to many bodybuilders and intense fitness-workout buffs. As athletes, they receive prescriptions for steroid use to help in rapid muscle repair and cell generation.

While the online site also carries pharma grade steroids manufactured by a UGL known as syn pharma, the people working at CanadaPeds vetted the safety of the products before allowing inclusion in the online store’s inventory.

Magic Mushrooms For Skin Like Velvet And Silk

Skin like velvet and silk, who doesn’t want that? After all, a healthy, fresh complexion not only ensures a positive, vital radiance but also ensures that you feel completely comfortable in your skin. magic mushroomsUnfortunately, a look in the mirror often shows the opposite: Your complexions look tired, pale, and stressed. This lack of freshness can indicate an overload of the body with waste products and pollutants. If you want to do something good for your skin, a regular medicinal mushroom treatment is recommended.

Taken as mushroom powder capsules, medicinal mushrooms supply your largest sensory organ with a multitude of skin-beautifying vitamins, amino acids, minerals, and trace elements. They also strengthen and regulate your immune system and support your body in the detoxification process that is so important for beautiful skin.

Mushrooms: Natural remedies for healthy, vital skin

In order to get fresh, pure skin, you can do a lot by following a few simple rules. Drink plenty of still water, eat a balanced diet rich in vital substances, regular exercise in the fresh air, and, of course, adequate sleep forms the basis. In addition, certain medicinal mushrooms are recommended. Because of their wealth of ingredients that are valuable for skin health, it is worthwhile to buy magic mushrooms.

Medicinal mushrooms strengthen the detoxification system and this is also good for the skin

Unsightly skin symptoms can also be seen when the body’s detoxification loop is disturbed. As soon as two of the total of four excretory organs – liver, lymphatic system, kidneys, and stomach – are overloaded and are therefore no longer able to ensure detoxification, the body falls back on the skin as the “fifth excretory organ”. An effective method to treat skin symptoms based on their organic cause is therefore the targeted support and strengthening of the organs with medicinal mushrooms.

Use the natural power of medicinal mushrooms as part of skin treatment

Medicinal mushrooms such as Reishi, Cordyceps Sinensis, Hericium, Pleurotus, etc. can help to naturally activate the youthful radiance of your skin due to their ingredients. In addition, medicinal mushrooms can also be used in a wide variety of skin diseases such as acne, herpes, itching, or allergic skin symptoms.
