A Quick Take on What Makes a Weight Management Program Effective

Generally, people with overweight and obesity problems access weight-management programs only if recommended as part of a medical treatment for a health issue. While eating healthy and engaging in physical exercises are the main components of a weight-management program, it’s important that the development of the meal plans and workouts take into consideration a participant’s individual capability to breakdown food, or the so-called metabolism. Mainly because a person’s age, gender, environment and other factors influence a person’s metabolic rate.

Overview of the Metabolic Renewal Program

A weight-management scheme that we can cite as a good example is the Metabolic Renewal program. Here, the diet plans are called metabolic meals because they are customized according to the metabolic rate of each participant. The fitness regime, likewise comprises workouts, designed in conjunction with metabolic meals, to complete a fat-burning plan covering a 12-week period. The weekly meal plans aim to improve metabolism in ways that will control the amount of fat stored by the body, and at the same time promote the right hormonal responses, particularly in relation to energy use and food cravings.

However, the Metabolic Renewal program works best on women since the 12-week diet and fitness plans aim to train the body to have control over various hormones affecting the female anatomy. The developer of the program, Dr. Jade Teta, made a careful study on how the estrogen hormone creates a tendency for women to gain belly fat; as well as make weight-loss achievement difficult when facing different stressful situations common to women.

The Metabolic Renewal Quiz

Since the Metabolic Renewal program is people-centric, a core element that is vital to the customization of the metabolic meals and fitness exercises, is the Metabolic Renewal Quiz. it’s a set of questionnaires that aims to identify the eating habits and hormone type of a person, whilst relating the information gained on the gender, age and other personal information of individual participants.

The results of the comprehensive quiz will be used as the basis for categorizing each participant in a specific metabolic renewal segment; giving particular attention to an individual’s hormone type and the root of a hormone’s predominance in the body. The main purpose of a metabolic renewal quiz is to gain a balanced insight about the type of weight loss option that will produce the best impact on the overall health of a Metabolic Renewal participant.

On the other hand, and through the metabolic renewal quiz, a person seeking to lose weight will have an understanding of what her body needs in order to achieve her weight loss goal. In a way, this motivates a participant to religiously follow the diet plans and workout modules laid out as weekly schedules.
